
Youglish 4 – youglish

Today we know that vocabulary should be learnt in contexts rather than memorizing solely its translation. To facilitate your vocabulary teaching, I will suggest a website for you. Yougish searches youtube for specific words or phrases. It gives you unbiased and fast answers about how English is spoken by people. It provides quite many videos about the word. You can watch them one by one easily. You can also search for particularly word class it belongs(noun,verb,adverb,adjective) , phrase form( ?!) and topics (#topic), or mixed.

eat:v ( “eat” as a verb), eat:n (“eat” as a noun)

come ! (“come” in exclamative form), come ? (“come” in interrogative form)

bring #barackobama, bring #stadium , bring #travel

This website is also embedded in Tureng which is mainly used by my students.

Youglish 5 – 11111

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