Why do we speak? Language and Thought

language and thought

To explore the beginnings of human language, we must first define the real question. The question is not how languages evolved over time to become the languages of the world today. It is instead how the human species evolved over time such that humans, instead of our closest friends, the chimps and some others, became capable of utilizing language.

What a fantastic advancement! Human language is unlike any other natural communication mechanism. Human language has the ability to express ideas

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21st Century Learning Environments

21st Century Learning Environments 4 – elearning

The learning of a foreign language can be a lenghty and difficult process and there are few learning circumstances which can help this process. With the advent of technology, education has been going through changes in terms of learning evironments, tools etc. Compared with traditional learning environments, digital contexts and settings offer more opportunities for the classroom and language learning. It brings solutions to some of the challanges teachers face in traditional learning environments.

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